You can also retrieve a listing of pages within a category by altering the query to return a list of category members instead of categories. 您也可以通过将查询修改为返回类目成员清单而不是类目,来在类目中检索页面清单。
Each team area has a list of team members and the Process Role they play within the team. 每个团队区域都具有团队成员和团队成员在该团队中扮演的流程角色(ProcessRole)的列表。
You can also get a list of members in the collection. 您还可以获得该集合中的一个成员列表。
The group manager automatically creates sufficient additional groups to contain the entire list of members and adds these groups as members to the main group. 组管理器自动创建足够的其他组来包含成员的完整列表并将这些组作为成员添加到主组中。
The list of members was not changed because one or more of the selected members could not be added. 成员列表未更改,因为无法添加一个或多个选定的成员。
Noticeably absent from the initial list of members is Amazon, a leader in cloud computing services. 引人瞩目的是这个理事会最初的名单中没有云计算服务的领先者亚马逊。
The Society publishes its list of members annually. 这个协会每年都发行会员册。
The list of members cannot be displayed because this site can be accessed by anonymous users. 由于该网站允许匿名访问,此网站的成员列表无法显示。
Delete his name from the list of members. 把他从成员名单中取消?
Click on FAO members if you wish to view the list of FAO Members only. 如果仅希望查看粮农组织成员,请点击粮农组织成员。
The Institute had the academician, Napoleon Bonaparte, stricken from its list of members. 法兰西学院任人把院士拿破仑·波拿巴从它的名册上除名。
He was unceremoniously removed from the list of members, for gross misconduct. 他因明显的行为不轨而被不客气地从成员名单上去掉了。
And a list of platoon members or their survivors. 和一份排里或排里幸存者的名单。
The list of members of the bid evaluation committee shall be kept confidential until the winning bidder has been determined. 评标委员会成员的名单在中标结果确定前应当保密。
He and the council had already pondered the list of memBers returned to the parliament 提名委员会把候选人名单提交全体委员会讨论。他和委员会已经认真地考虑过了重返国会的人员名单
To view the list of members for the dynamic distribution group called marketing department, run the following commands. 要查看名为“市场部”的动态通讯组的成员列表,请运行以下命令。
Explaining the different ways to sort and search through the list of members. 显示和搜索会员列表的不同方法。
Updated list of members in the cabinet. 最新内阁成员名单。
Create a web for a project containing a list of members, a schedule, status, an archive and discussions. 为包含一系列的成员、计划、状态、档案和讨论的项目创建站点。
List of members of the review committee 审查委员会成员名单-英文
Tool tips usually show type signatures, list of members of types etc. 提示通常会显示出类型签名、类型成员的列表等等。
The articles of association for the Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school, and a list of members on its first board of trustees or board of directors, or of its first joint managerial committee; 中外合作办学机构的章程,首届理事会、董事会或者联合管理委员会组成人员名单;
The competent department, in turn, shall present the approved list of members of the academic degree evaluation committee to the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council for the record. 主管部门应将批准的学位评定委员会组成人员名单报国务院学位委员会备案。
Depending on the category item you select, the third pane contains a description, a sample expression, or a list of members. 根据所选的类别项,第三个窗格将包含说明、示例表达式或成员列表。
A list of members of the academic degree evaluation committee shall be submitted by the degree-conferring unit to the competent department for approval. 学位评定委员会组成人员名单,由学位授予单位提出,报主管部门批淮。
The list of members is currently unavailable. 成员列表当前不可用。
Member List Explaining the different ways to sort and search through the list of members. 成员目录解释分类并且通过成员的名单搜寻的不同的方法。
Method uses this delegate to filter the list of members that it returns. 方法使用此委托筛选它返回的成员列表。
You must provide the professor with a written list of team members and a team name before leaving class. 你必须在下课前交给教授团队成员与队名的名单。
List of Members of the ⅰ st Council of Shandong Institute of Navigation 山东航海学会第一届理事会名单